You are currently viewing THE ASSEMBLY OF THE ASSOCIATION “DUNAV 1245”


The regular session of the Assembly of the Association “DUNAV 1245” was held on March 21st, 2019 in the Association’s office. Work Report and the Financial Report for the past year, the Work Plan and the Financial Plan for this year were presented and adopted unanimously. It was an opportunity for the attendees to recall a number of activities that were carried out during the year. We led a number of fellow citizens through project activities and the Association has been successfully promoted by citizens. Some of the present members, who were the actors of events, made their impressions of the events. It is a general conclusion that this is the most successful year of the Association’s work. After the adopted reports, some personnel decisions were made in order to strengthen the organization.

After three years of work, it was a good moment to bring a new strategic document as a new framework for our activities. Strategy contains the main orientation, 3 strategic goals and measures for their achieving. The goals are focused focus on: increasing the capacity of citizens to participate in local development through development of local academia sector; strengthen of regional cooperation, and valorisation of local natural and cultural heritage.

The participants are introduced with the current activities related to the formation of the Partnership for Rural Development between the public, private and civil sectors of Sremski Karlovci and Kovilj. After the official part of event, membership and participants were invited to socialize and informal part of the event took place.


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