In order to get acquainted with the experiences of partner associations from the region and Europe regarding the active participation of citizens in solving the problems of the local community, delegation from the Association of Danube 1245 from Sremski Karlovci attended the International Conference within the project “Europe and cool” held in Novi Mest, Slovenia between 12-15 June 2019.
At the conference, the problem of integration of migrants into a modern European society was discussed in three perspectives, theoretical, practical and political. The expedition of Mrs. Marine Luksic Hacin was aimed at presenting the theoretical and sociological aspects of migratory movements. Differences were discussed between the principles of multiculturalism and interculturalism, and the need to reject culturalism as a kind of racism in order for people of diverse heritage to be integrated into a single community.
A general, political perspective of the problems of migratory movements was presented by the newly elected Slovenian representative in European Parlamet Dr. Milan Brglez. Speaking from the perspective of social-democratic politicians, he stressed the need to strengthen solidarity between different European societies in order to make the integration of the newcomers more successful and to result in the strengthening of a European project.
In addition to the integration of foreigners, the topics discussed were the preservation of cultural heritage and its significance for Europe, as well as the tour of the reconstructed center of Novi Mest, which now represents an exceptional ambience.
Doctor Vedrana Vidrih Perko held an interesting presentation of the importance of European cultural heritage and stressed that European culture should be considered integrally so that it would indeed be a factor of integration, not division, while Dr. Toma탑 Slak from the Faculty of Architecture through a walk to the center of Novi Mest, and on examples of reconstructed buildings and ambient units described the application of new technologies in the protection of old architectural units.
On the last day of their stay in Novi Mesto, the representatives of the Danube Association 1245 presented the Srem Karlovci at the International Fair of Culture and Culinary, a manifestation that took place in Novo Mesto. The aim of the fair of culture and culinary is to familiarize the Slovenian public with the tradition and customs and tourist potentials of different destinations.