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Project “European Axis West-East” (European AWE) funded under the Europe for Citizens Programme

Within the European AWE project, 6 civic forums were organized in 5 partner countries on the priority topics of the Europe for Citizens Program: Euroscepticism, migrant crisis, minority rights and formats for citizen participation in European policy making. The meetings were attended by more than 360 citizens from 5 EU countries and candidate countries.

The next event is the international conference “European Axis West-East”, which was held in places and objects of historical and cultural importance in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, during the period 6-8. September 2019.

10 partners from 5 countries with over 200 foreign and domestic participants worked on three-day international conference “European Axis West-East”. During the Conference, partners had the opportunity to present their local communities and exchange information on development plans. In the form of group work, the citizens of Karlovci Grammar School participated in 6 international workshops on priority topics of the Europe for Citizens Program, as well as topics in the field of wine production and wine marketing in the EU.

The workshop on EU Development Perspectives was held by young participants from 5 countries, in the form of a European Parliament Youth Debate on the impact and participation of young people in reviewing the challenges and formulating further development.

The workshop on enhancing citizens’ understanding and involvement in the process of European policy-making was led by Jelena Todorovic, Project Advisor for the national Government Office for Cooperation with Civil Society.

There was one international workshop in the form of a history lesson on “Sremski Karlovci through history” with a focus on the Karlovci Peace Treaty as a turning point in relations between Eastern and Western powers and the long-term impact of this event on their relations to date.

1 International Workshop was held in the courtyard of Karlovci Grammar School in the form of an interactive performance of the Novi Sad theater troupe on Euroskepticism topic.

An international workshop on further cooperation was held in the office of the leading partner “Danube 1245” and was attended by representatives of 10 partners. It is mutually agreed that the emphasis in further cooperation will be the involvement of all partners in the EU Erasmus + Programme, with the active support of partners already working on projects under this program.

All 10 partners have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the Magistrate building, as a formal basis for further cooperation.


In the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace, the place where Karlovci Peace Treaty was signed 320 years ago, four concerts were symbolically held: prominent works of spiritual music were performed by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic choir from Sremski Karlovci (the Choir “Arsenije the Great” and the Choir of the Holy Trinity); Portuguese traditional fado music performed by guest diva from Portugal Teresa Tapadas accompanied by Luís Ribeiro on Portuguese guitar and Serbian traditional city and salon’s music performed by the ensemble “Serboplov”. In addition to the planned concerts, the partner municipality of Tivat enabled the participants to enjoy traditional coastal music in the performance of the ensemble “Romance”, which gave a special tone to the Conference, creating relaxing, stimulating and friendly atmosphere.

The joint working dinners provided the opportunity to participants to get to know each other and to share information about possible cooperation.

During the Conference, a traditional annual wine festival was held in Sremski Karlovci in the main town square, so participants during breaks and evenings could follow a variety of entertainment programs.

During one of the breaks in the work of the Conference, participants were invited to take part in another project “Walk through Heritage – My Karlovci’s Story” with an opportunity to get to know the traditions of the Sremski Karlovci through the memories of the old Karlovcians.

The project and the international conference were realized by the Danube 1245, an association from Sremski Karlovci as the leading partner and host, with support from the Municipality of Sremski Karlovci.


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