In Bac, in the hall of the Cultural Center, on May 28, 2021, two project activities were realized with citizens: Meeting with the target group for cultural heritage and “How can I use the presentation for free Bac – then and now” to help promote and valorize tourism potential in within the project “Cult (R) ural – development, protection and promotion of the municipality of Bac” which is an integrative civic initiative that aims to support the citizens of the municipality of Bac to get involved in the development processes of the local community and implemented by the Association of Citizens Danube 1245 from Sremski Karlovac in cooperation with the Tourist Organization of Bac, which is part of a broader project “Platform for Responsible Public Financial Management” implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and funded by the Government of Sweden.
In the introductory part, the participants were presented with the project, project goals and their role in the project in different phases of project implementation, given information about the activities implemented so far and the announcement of activities that will follow.
The meeting with the target group for cultural heritage was organized so that participants could present their views on the situation on cultural heritage, its importance for the community and the issue of general social interest in this area, as well as collecting ideas through which citizens could make personal and collective contributions. . The moderator of the meeting was Rajko Marinković, president of the Danube 1245 association. The participants were young people from Bača, students of the Agricultural School and representatives of the public sector.
A panel discussion entitled “How can I use the presentation” Bac – then and now “for free to help promote and valorize the tourist potential” with a presentation of the cultural and historical heritage of the municipality of Bac was held at the educational center in Bac. The moderators of the panel were Darko Milanković from the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development and Branka Mandić from the Tourist Organization of Bac. The specifics of the cultural and historical space of the municipality of Bac have been defined. There were 28 participants present, who were demonstrated during the meeting how they can access online platforms via computers and mobile devices and in all ways they can use the presentation in order to promote the tourist potential of the municipality of Bac. Ways of communication with specific target groups that will be users of the internet platform for the promotion of cultural and historical heritage are presented. Also presented is the level of technical and functional capabilities that will allow end users to easily navigate through the content of the presentation. Each location is connected via GPS coordinates to a Google map that guides end users directly to the desired location. In addition to displaying the geolocation, end users can be informed in detail through bilingual textual content.
After the meeting, the participants continued their conversation with catering on open topics in an informal atmosphere.