The event has an international character and this year, 2021, it was held on October 1 as part of the III Conference of the international project EFYRA, which is being implemented in the EU program “Europe for Citizens”. The event is organized by RDA “Bačka” and Dunav 1245, and the leading partner in the project is LAG PRIZAG, Novi Marof, Croatia.
The event brought together 92 domestic and foreign relevant rural development actors on the topic: the future of youth in rural areas.
The event is sponsored by the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, and in 2021, the Rural Voice was realized with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, as well as the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government.
Participants from abroad were LAG organizations and project partners from 7 countries: Croatia, Italy, Estonia, Hungary, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.
Domestic participants were members of the Network of LAGs of Serbia: 8 LAGs / partnerships for rural development from Vojvodina: Kula-Vrbas, Sombor-Apatin, Subotica-Kanjiža, Sremski Karlovci-Kovilj, Opovo-Zrenjanin, Zrenjanin-Banatski Despotovac-Sečanj , students of the agricultural school from Futog and local actors in the field of rural development.
The event enabled the exchange of current topics from rural development, specifically the future of young people in rural areas, as well as connecting domestic and foreign LAGs through an agreement to achieve international cooperation LAG Network of Serbia with LAG network from Northern Macedonia (signing a Memorandum of International Cooperation).
The event took place through the panel Rural Voice, round table Rural Voice and a visit to two successful wineries in Sremski Karlovci – Cellar and Museum of Honey Zivanovic and Cellar Bajilo, where young people inherited their fathers and grandfathers and improved wine production so that they are now among the strongest and largest wineries in Sremski Karlovci. The honey museum on the property of the Živanović family is specific as the only such museum in the country.
The panel was realized in cooperation with the leading partner LAG PRIZAG, LAG Agrolider and the representative of the municipality of Krusevo from Northern Macedonia, as well as with local representatives from the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry (Mr. Petar Samolovac), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (Mrs. Jasmina Miljkovic and Mr. Slobodan Zivkovic), with special emphasis on how the forthcoming IPARD 3 program in Northern Macedonia and Serbia will serve to support young people in the rural sector. The importance of innovation in the rural sector was especially emphasized in the discussion at the Panel.
The round table was moderated by representatives of the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government (Mr. Darko Milankovic and Mr. Mitar Vasiljevic) on topics and issues of rural development, especially in the segment of quality of life of those living in rural areas, not engaged in agriculture.
The role of the EFYRA study as the main result of the project and the possibility to define future projects and further cooperation of partners on the basis of the study were also considered. The signing of the Memorandum of International Cooperation was understood by both parties only as a first step and it was agreed that both networks be involved in defining projects based on the EFYRA study through which the implementation of activities in accordance with the Memorandum would begin.