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DESIRE project: a walk through the city and a debate on “History of the European Union – a history of peace, solidarity and modern challenges”


A city walk was organized to the protected natural monument in the III category, a plane tree planted at the beginning of the 18th century in the yard of the Lower Church (Church of St. Peter and Paul). This yard also belongs to the Association of Pensioners from Sremski Karlovci and is also known as “Paradise Garden”.

The city walk was organized for the citizens of Sremski Karlovci within the local event number 3 entitled “History of the European Union – history of peace, solidarity and modern challenges” within phase 2 of the project “DESIRE” supported through the program “Europe for Citizens” of the European Union.

The DESIRE project is being implemented by a project consortium from 8 countries, the leading partner is the Italian municipality of Lavarone, and the partner for Serbia is the Danube 1245 from Sremski Karlovci.

As part of this activity, 20 citizens of Sremski Karlovci took part in a walk to the protected natural monument and yard “Paradise Garden”, where citizens received information about this important site for Sremski Karlovci. A joint photo of the participants was taken in front of the plane tree.


In the next step, a debate on the history of the European Union started with discussion why it is a history of peace, solidarity and modern challenges. The debate was organized in the nearby cafe of the Association of Pensioners.

Participants were divided into 2 groups (younger and older participants) who debated on a given topic for 90 minutes, and then the representatives of the groups presented their views on the history of the EU and modern challenges that are current today.

At the end of the debate, the participants walked to the office of the Danube Association 1245 where they were greeted by catering prepared by the local Guesthouse Four Lions and where the conversation of the participants continued in an informal atmosphere.

The participants expressed their satisfaction with the content and the way in which this activity was realized.