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DESIRE project: lecture on “EU programs – the legacy of the Schuman Declaration”


A lecture on “EU programs – the legacy of the Schuman Declaration” was organized in the office of the Danube Association 1245. This lecture is the second local event in the second phase of the project “DESIRE” supported through the program “Europe for Citizens”.

The DESIRE project is being implemented by a project consortium from 8 countries, the leading partner is the Italian municipality of Lavarone, and the partner for Serbia is the Danube 1245 from Sremski Karlovci.

The lecture was held in cooperation and with the participation of representatives of the Department for International and Cooperation with the Civil Sector of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of the Republic of Serbia and representatives of the Office for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Serbian and Croatian ministry officials presented information on the new EU program as contact points for the EU CERV program. The CERV program is now valid in the programming period 2021-2027 and inherited the Europe for Citizens program, which was valid in the programming period 2014-2020. Participants were able to see continuity in program periods, as well as a significant increase in funds intended for the participation of associations and citizens in program activities that support civic activism, development of equality, democracy and civil rights, as well as the promotion of European values.

The lecture on the content of the CERV program was given by Ms. Željka Markulin from the Office for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia via a video ZOOM presentation in which a representative of our ministry, Ms. Sanja Atanasković Opačić, also took part. The lecture was attended by 20 citizens of Sremski Karlovci, including representatives of other associations and the municipality of Sremski Karlovci. Through the ZOOM application, Mitja Bukovec from the association DRPD, Novo mesto, Slovenia, as well as a representative of the association from the Network of Serbian LAGs from Opovo, also took part in the meeting.

After the lecture, which lasted about 60 minutes, the participants asked questions in the segment of interactive discussion.