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Promotion of project results “Dublin – Shared Europe”

20th December 2021 Agricultural High School Futog

As part of the Fourth activity of the Project “Installations” – Exposition 3, a meeting was held with the aim of presenting and promoting the final results of the Project, at the Agricultural School in Futog.

The auditorium consisted of students – representatives of all grades of the school and their teachers. Some of the present students and professors were direct participants in the project activities. In this way, participants had the opportunity to get a complete picture of the Project, project objectives and results achieved, as well as a more detailed insight into the importance and concrete contribution of participants who took direct part in project activities.

The participants were first addressed by the President of the Association “Danube 1245”, Mr. Rajko Marinkovic, who briefly presented the main elements of the project and project results, as well as information from the meeting held on 14.12.2021 with 3 members of the Parliament of AP Vojvodina in the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government.

Then the project coordinator prof. Jelena Petrovic presented 3 phases of the project realized with young people in the process of drafting, filtering and adopting the list of final proposals for the European Parliament. As part of the first phase, a film was presented with participants from the Futog Agricultural School, shot during the ZOOM meeting, where all participants were able to identify direct participants in project activities from their school.

In the next step, all participants were presented with a complete film about the Project made by the leading partner GSI Italy.

At the end, the material with the final list of proposals for a new European migrant policy was translated into Serbian.

In the last segment of the meeting, prof. Jelena Petrovic invited those present to give their views on the project and project results. Three students expressed their satisfaction with the participation in the Project, new information received during the process and briefly described the change of attitudes based on a better understanding of this complex social issue and the position of people forced to leave their country and seek asylum in EU, under difficult circumstances.

Professors at the Futog School of Agriculture recalled that the migrant crisis has a long history, since 1991 as seen in the film presented, and he reminded at recent migration of people from our nation during the civil war in the former Yugoslavia in a way that these situations could happen anywhere and should be viewed with more understanding and humanity.