The first transnational meeting within the “Encouraging young people towards responsible and sustainable choices in the fashion industry” – BRAND project was held on October 6-7, 2022. in Vienna, where the principles of cooperation between the partners were agreed upon, as well as the main guidelines for working on the expected outcomes of the project, which will be realized in the next two years.
Brojekat BRAND brings together partners from 6 countries: Austria, Denmark, Greece, Malta, Poland and Serbia, and Serbia is represented in this project by the citizens’ association “Danube 1245”.
The BRAND project, aligned with the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027, recognizes the crucial need to strengthen the responsibility of young people in order to start behaving responsibly and influencing the lives of future generations. The priority goal of the project is to undertake measures that will contribute to a sustainable green Europe and the realization of a society in which all young people are environmentally active, educated and able to change their daily lives.
Given the increase in the global population, the UN predicts that it will be necessary to use natural resources that are three times greater than the existing natural resources on the planet in order to maintain the current fashionable lifestyle. Experts warn of an increase in clothing consumption by 63% by 2030, so it is of great importance that we take steps to change the perspective on how we use and consume fashion products (ECAP, 2017).
The main goals of the BRAND project are to raise awareness among young people about fast fashion and its impact on the environment, as well as to create educational material and tools for youth workers to inform and educate young people, as well as to encourage environmentally friendly practices related to fashion choices and clothing purchases.