17 members of Association took part in the work of the Annual Assembly, which made a quorum for the work of the Assembly. 8 members of the Association did not attend the meeting. The work of the Assembly was led by the president of the Assembly of the Association, Brigita Dimitrijević, and the minute was made by Dejan Gluvačević.
The President of the Assembly, Brigita Dimitrijević, greeted the attendees and reminded them that they had received the materials for work at the Assembly session in the invitation to the Assembly. The materials were considered by the Management Board and proposed to the Assembly for adoption: work report, financial report, work plan, financial plan, as well as amendments to the Statute.
President of the association Rajko Marinković presented the reports on the association’s work, the financial report, the association’s work plan and the financial plan to the present members. Amendments to the Statute were proposed in order to make it easier to apply for calls for projects in the area of goals and to amend the article on the activities of the association according to the suggestions of the responsible national body.
All reports and plans were unanimously adopted, after which the work of the Assembly continued in an informal and cordial atmosphere.