The project started in October 2020 and was implemented in the territory of 7 countries with 10 project partners.
The EFYRA project aimed to address one of the biggest challenges facing rural Europe: the outflow of young people from rural areas.
5 thematic events were organized during the project implementation. The challenges were brought up by the young people themselves, but also by individuals who are directly involved in the life and work of young people in rural areas, such as businessmen, representatives of local authorities, school institutions, non-profit organizations working with young people, etc.
Some of the main reasons identified at the EU level are the lack of diverse employment opportunities, limited access to services, underdeveloped infrastructure, and lack of connectivity, which together make rural areas less attractive as places to live and work (European Commission, 2021). EFYRA’s focus was to identify the root causes of migration in the project countries: Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia, through a joint discussion among project partners, and to develop proposals to prevent youth migration through active workshops.
The result of all project activities, thematic meetings and discussions, presentations by experts, representatives of local authorities, etc., are summarized in the document of the EFYRA study, which is made by experts from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography – prof. Aleksandar Lukić PhD and Assistant Ivan Šišak, mag.geogr. The EFYRA Study will try to make an impact on policy-making at EU level.
Cooperation on the project continues through social networks FB, YT channel and website, where all important activities in the area of partner countries related to the topic of the future of young people in rural areas will be published.
Project is co -funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union – Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure Civil Society Projects, Network of Towns.
Overall budget of the project is 118.440 €